Faith to Move Forward

Faith is a huge aspect of my life but many times I forget it’s even a thing. Tough times remind me of my need of faith. Like in the video, it took making a decision between following a dream and cutting off a poisonous relationship to remind me where my faith needed to be. God was offering an escape and I needed to have faith in Him, that He was in control.

“I had to take that step forward.”

Video courtesy of Jefte Campos (submitted as an entry for the 2015 Film Your Faith Video Contest).

It was a dark time in my life. All the warning signs were there, I just didn’t pay attention to it. I had started dating this girl that led me down a path that I had never hoped to walk.

Faith – it just seemed so obsolete to me at the time. And I would lay awake at night with the question, “What are you doing?” I was 14, and I had been offered a job at the church. The process took about three months before I was hired on, but I remember thinking I should just go back and put in my two weeks notice, so I did.

It had been two weeks, and still no news from the church. There was something just reassuring and that still small voice. It was roughly around this time that the girl that I was so deeply in love with had relapsed and went to jail. I was torn. This opportunity that I had always dreamed of had come up. I believe that’s when faith became faith. And without even thinking about it, it radically changed my life. I had to take that step forward.

My relationship with the girl ended almost immediately after she was released and I moved closer to the church. God was slowly laying down the puzzle pieces, revealing the larger image he has for me. Showing me how faith brought me here.

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