2020 Film Your Faith press release

Faith Counts, the leading and fastest-growing multi-faith online platform, is launching its fourth Film Your Faith contest, and awarding $35,000 in prizes to top films of two minutes or less showcasing the power of faith in a positive light.

Filmmakers may submit their work June 8, 2020 through September 23, 2020. In October, online voters will pick the Fan Favorite, and a diverse group of faith leaders and film industry professionals will serve as the judges to choose the Grand Prize and the Honorable Mention winners.

“This is a chance to show the many positive aspects of faith,” says Faith Counts Communications Director Kerry Troup. “What does the world look like through your unique lens of faith? Pull out your phone or grab your camera gear, tap record and show us in two minutes or less how faith changes lives, relationships and communities for the better.”

To kick off the contest, Faith Counts will donate $5,000 to Capital Area Food Bank, a member of Feeding America started by an interfaith movement. Capital Area Food Bank, the largest organization working to solve hunger and its companion problems in the Washington, D.C., area, has served hundreds of thousands of our neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The contest awards three cash prizes. The Grand Prize winner receives $20,000 cash, the Fan Favorite winner receives $10,000 cash, and one Honorable Mention winner receives $5,000 cash.

How it works:

The Film Your Faith judges
-Rev. Teddy Reeves, Specialist of Religion at the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture
-Rabbi Josh Bolton, Director, Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design Hillel
-Rich Peluso, Executive Vice President, AFFIRM Films
-Naima Mora, author, model and the winner of Cycle 4 of America’s Next Top Model
-Simran Jeet Singh, educator, writer, and activist, columnist for Religion News Service, host of the “Spirited” podcast, visiting professor of religion at Union Theological Seminary
-Dale Bannon, Community Relations and Development Director for The Salvation Army
-Aysha Khan, a journalist covering American Muslims at Religion News Service
-Sis. Lisa Harkness, first counselor in the Primary general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

For entry details, frequently asked questions about the contest and a list of rules and restrictions, visit https://faithcounts.com/video-contest/. “Faith is Knowing” by Kyle Churchwell won the 2018 Grand Prize. Watch it here.

About Faith Counts

Faith Counts, LLC is a nonprofit, non-denominational organization comprised of faith communities representing nearly 80 million Americans.

Faith Counts has nearly 600,000 followers and has become the leading, fastest-growing multi-faith online platform with an engagement rate three times the industry standard.

Partner organizations include 1st Amendment Partnership, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Hillel International, Hindu American Foundation, Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Salvation Army, the Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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