5 ways to support your Sikh friends, neighbors

America is a nation of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, non-religious, and more. We live and work together and we need to support each other – in order to overcome hate.
When it comes to Sikhism, research shows Americans know very little about the religion’s key tenets and messages of love, peace, and service that resonate with most people.
Since the pandemic, xenophobia has increased in all parts of the United States. And even before the pandemic, the residual effects of 9/11 have led to an increase in hate crimes, and hate-affiliated speech towards Sikh Americans. Since, the Oak Creek Gurdwara shooting 10 years ago and the Indianapolis FedEx Shooting in 2021 have only increased the community’s vulnerability.
As Sikh Awareness month approaches, here are five effective ways you can help spread awareness about the good works and optimism of Sikhi in your circles and community:
- Create dialogue and reach out to your Sikh neighbors/community members. Appreciate their presence in your community;
- Visit a local Gurdwara (Sikh house of worship) and learn more about the Sikh way of life. People from all faiths are welcome to observe, worship, share a meal (langar), or just visit as they please;
- Learn more about Sikh history and Sikh American history. You can learn on your own or even ask your Sikh neighbors;
- Spread awareness about Sikhi to your network! If we do not spread the knowledge we gain, we will silo ourselves. Education is the key to acceptance, and we must continue to extend our insights;
- Lastly, do not be a bystander to hate. if you see a hate-based incident, report it! SALDEF offers resources to report hate crime incidents here