Are more Americans praying in cars than in houses of worship?

Despite recent statistics that suggest Americans are becoming less religiously affiliated, prayer appears to be a constant practice in people’s lives.
The results of a brand-new survey point to some interesting habits and connections between Americans, prayer, and spirituality. Findings of the survey of more than 1,700 Americans were released by the Radiant Foundation on May 4, which is the National Day of Prayer.
The study, commissioned by Skylight and conducted by City Square Associates from April 6 to April 17, surveyed a nationally representative sample of adults aged 18-64 about ways they connect with God.
Among its findings: while Americans have varied definitions and methods of prayer, those who pray spend an average of 18 minutes praying daily, with nearly half saying they pray on a regular basis.
Here are 7 more of the survey findings:
1. About 85% of American adults connect with their higher power, and 61% of Americans say that they pray.
2. The survey found that Americans pray for 3.6 billion minutes each day, and the average U.S. adult prays on average twice a day.
3. U.S. adults who pray often do so at dawn or when they awaken (50 percent) or at bedtime (55 percent).
4. They pray more in their car (61 percent) than in a place of worship (46 percent).
5. Eight in 10 reported regularly praying by themselves.
6. Younger respondents—in particular millennials and Gen Zs—were more likely than younger boomers and Gen Xers to report they prayed regularly with members of their spiritual group or family. Nearly a quarter said they pray routinely around their pets.
7. 71% of praying Americans say that prayer is not accurately reflected in pop culture and media.
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