Create a pop-up conversation for different faiths

Adapted from Interfaith Youth Core

Having and hosting conversations with people of diverse religious or nonreligious backgrounds is the key to building relationships that value others’ traditions and philosophies.

It might sound like a daunting task, but don’t worry, friend. It doesn’t have to be awkward as long as we create spaces where people can chat with ease. Lucky for you, that’s precisely the purpose for which this resource exists. Discover fun ways to get folks comfortably discussing their belief and value systems!. (Because not every event has to be a dialogue or panel discussion.)

1. Ever hear of a conversation couch or chairs? Have people take a breather between classes and—you guessed it—hold a conversation about values.

2. Nobody move until you’re friends! Interfaith organizers at St. Edward’s University made a large sign with the image of two hands, and two strangers planted one of their hands on it and couldn’t move until they weren’t strangers any longer.

3. College students love food. Tell them the catch is that they must take two food items and offer one to a conversation partner. After all, cookies and cupcakes were meant to be shared.

Pro Tips to Keep in Mind

Well there you have it, folks! Getting out from behind our phones and computer screens doesn’t have to be all that bad. In fact, we just might learn something about one another if we set up a comfortable and fun space for meaningful interactions. So get out there and get to know one another—differences and all!

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