Kentucky students keep revival going for days

Prayers, praise, scripture, worship music, and testimonies.

It all began on Wednesday, Feb. 8.

And it’s still going.

The days-long service is being described as a revival, “a movement that only God could orchestrate and keep going,” and now includes people from all over the country.

“We would say there is just a spirit of the Lord in this place. Really, browed its way into the hearts and minds of our students, staff, faculty and our community,” said Dr. Kevin Brown, president of Asbury University.

This isn’t the first time this has happened on this campus. A similar revival broke out in 1970. That revival shut down classes for a week, then went on for two more weeks with nightly services. There was another as early as 1905 and another as recent as 2006, when a student chapel led to four days of continuous worship, prayer and praise, according to a Christianity Today report.

Alexandra Presta, the editor of the student-run website “The Asbury Collegian,” wrote in an article published on Feb. 8, “As a senior, I have never witnessed anything like this.”

“Peers, professors, local church leaders, and seminary students surround me—all of them praying, worshipping, and praising God together. Voices are ringing out. People are bowing at the altar, arms stretched wide.”

Watch as she describes the experience here:

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