Earthquake devastates Turkey, Syria: How to pray

A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake has struck near the border of Turkey and Syria, leveling buildings, and leaving tens of thousands of people dead. It is said to be one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in over a century.
Meanwhile, the death toll continues to mount following powerful aftershocks in the area. And residents are urged to stay away from their homes, leaving many on the streets and in the cold.
While an international relief effort is mobilizing to provide care and comfort, many of these efforts will be driven by people and organizations of faith.
Whether or not you’re there on the ground or thousands of miles away, you can still participate in these efforts through prayer. If you’re wondering exactly what or how to pray, we can help.
MORE: How to help victims of a natural disaster
1) Pray for all who have been affected by the earthquake that has caused widespread deaths and destruction in Turkey and Syria.
2) Pray for all first responders and that survivors would be quickly rescued.
3) Pray for nations, people, and organizations to react with compassion and unity. Together they can make impact by helping provide hot meals and water, blankets, and temporary shelters, as well as medical supplies and care. And may they continue to meet these needs as the region recovers.
4) Pray for all who are mourning to be comforted. Many have lost loved ones. Homes and possessions are destroyed. All these things, coupled with repeated aftershocks can have a profound psychological effect.
5) Pray for wisdom for local and regional leaders. The task of assembling and managing resources for a major recovery effort is daunting, and it requires leaders with calm heads and clear thoughts.