Faith leaders react to Tennessee school shooting

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at The Covenant Presbyterian Church’s The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, many local faith-based organizations and leaders have come together to offer support and prayer for the victims and their families. Here are some of their responses:
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) posted a tweet calling for prayer for the victims and their families.
From Nashville Presbytery:
— byFaith Online (@PCAByFaith) March 27, 2023
A Message From Nashville Presbytery
Fathers and brothers:
No doubt many of you have already heard of the horrible shooting today at Covenant Presbyterian Church’s school. Media report the deaths of three students and three adults, plus the shooter.
The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, based in Nashville, also posted a tweet offering prayers for the community.
Join us in praying for the victims, their families, and all those affected by the tragic mass shooting today in Nashville.
— SBC Executive Committee (@SBCExecComm) March 27, 2023
Bishop Bill McAlilly of the Nashville Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church wrote a blog post calling for prayer for the victims and their families.
The American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) of Tennessee, based in Nashville, posted a tweet expressing solidarity with the community.
Our hearts are broken. May God surround Covenant School community with His Peace and Mercy.
— AMAC (@AMACtn) March 27, 2023
Southern Christian Coalition, a network of faith leaders, posted a tweet calling for an end to gun violence.
We are devastated by the death of 3 children and 3 teachers at Covenant School in Nashville. We are praying for the families and community of the school and all of their loved ones. This situation is a horrific tragedy and the worst nightmare of every parent and teacher. (1/4)
— Southern Christian Coalition (@FaithAdvocates) March 27, 2023
Scott Sauls, Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, posted a tweet expressing his condolences and calling for prayer for the community.
Come, Lord Jesus. Please pray for our friends at Covenant Presbyterian Church and School.
— Scott Sauls (@scottsauls) March 27, 2023
RH Boyd Publishing Company, a Nashville-based publishing company that produces and supplies Sunday school and church service materials, posted a tweet offering their prayers for the community.
In the wake of the Covenant School tragedy today, we stand unified in prayer with our Nashville community. There are no words strong enough to heal the grief but may the God of Grace comfort the Covenant School family and all affected by this senseless tragedy.
— R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp. (@RHBoydCo) March 28, 2023
Father Steiner of the Diocese of Nashville urged everyone to pray for the victims and their families in a statement to the “Tennessee Register.”
Woodmont Baptist Church, where families were reunited after the shooting, also posted an update from Senior Pastor Nathan Parker, who reflected on the importance of service to a fellow church community.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville issued a statement, calling upon elected officials to do their part and work to prevent “such senseless tragedies” in the future.
Vigils are being held in the area to honor the victims and offer support to the community.
Across the USA
Organizations and leaders across the country also offered their condolences, support, and prayers for the community.
Americans United
We’re heartbroken for the victims of The Covenant School shooting in Nashville & their families.
— Americans United (@americansunited) March 27, 2023
Our children should be free to attend school & practice their faith without fear of violence.
The Jewish Public Affairs Council of California
We’re devastated to hear of yet another school shooting, this time located in a church. We mourn with the Nashville & Presbyterian communities.
— JPAC (@JPACcalifornia) March 27, 2023
The sense of safety for people of faith continues to be eroded with these horrific acts of violence.
Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Please join me in praying for the students, faculty, staff, and families of The Covenant School in Nashville, TN, in the wake of a shooting this morning where at least three children and three adults are reported dead. May God comfort and…
— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) March 27, 2023
Singer and songwriter Andrew Peterson
Heartbroken for Nashville today. Please pray for the victims, families, first responders, and the greater community. I’ve spoken and played at Covenant School multiple times, so this hits hard. How long, O Lord?
— Andrew Peterson (@AndrewPeterson) March 27, 2023