#FaithServes December
The year is coming to an end and the holiday season is here! Take some time between present shopping and dinner making to do some service. As you hurry to get everything on your to-do list done, look around for someone who might need a helping hand or words of encouragement. Whether it’s big or small, every act of service counts this holiday season.
Let us know what service you see and do by tagging #FaithServes in posts and pictures! We hope to inspire everyone to serve this holiday season and your posts will help.
#FaithServes is a social media event to inspire people to serve their friends, families and communities. Pick service ideas from the following list to complete throughout the month of November and you can also follow @MyFaithCounts on Twitter for daily service reminders!
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” –Ghandi
Service Ideas
- Put wreaths up in a cemetery
- Help someone carry their groceries
- Donate cans to a food pantry
- Hold a door and tell someone to have a nice day
- Bring treats to a neighbor you haven’t met yet
- Sit with someone who is eating alone
- Email your boss/professor and say thank you for their time
- Pass out hot chocolate
- Leave a kind note for your mailman
- Give up your seat on public transportation
- Volunteer to walk your neighbor’s dog
- Donate toys to those in need
- Help a neighbor put up/take down holiday lights
- Compliment a server to their manager
- Bake holiday cookies for friends/neighbors
- Help someone put up/take down a Christmas tree
- Sing holiday songs to neighbors
- Offer to babysit your neighbor’s children so they can go holiday shopping
- Help clean an elderly neighbor’s gutters
- Stuff warm socks with treats and pass them out to the homeless
- Help a hospital or nursing home decorate for the holidays
- Pay it forward by giving money to a Christmas tree farm to help pay for a needy family
- Send holiday cards to soldiers overseas
- Buy phone cards for soldiers so they can call their families
- Cover pinecones with peanut butter and bird seeds for your backyard wildlife
- Buy groceries for a friend or neighbor returning from a trip
- Frame an inspiring quote and give it to a friend
- Pay for someone’s dessert at a restaurant
- Share your umbrella with someone
- Help a single parent out in the airport security line
- Trade your seat on the airplane so a family can sit together

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How to be Grateful in the Hardest of Times