Film Your Faith 2020 Contest Winners

The 2020 Film Your Faith Contest by Faith Counts has officially come to a close! We would like to thank everyone for their participation. We received nearly 900 submissions this year–more than ever before. We would like to congratulate our three winners. The Grand Prize is worth $20,000, the Fan Favorite prize is worth $10,000, and the Honorable Mention prize is $5,000.

Adrian Woodward II, the Grand Prize Winner, is a student at Old Dominion University. In his video “Keeping Faith,” Adrian reflects on the struggle of living through a coronavirus pandemic. His video alludes to the fact that none of us are alone and faith can help us overcome anything. 

“I am not my body, I am not my mistakes. I have the power from the greatest and he will make me great. He has given me a task that I know I shall surpass before I ever see the great. I just gotta keep my faith.”

It’s a reminder that as we experience tragedy, we must remember that God is always by our side. 

Victoria Powell, the Fan Favorite winner, is currently a student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In her video, “Walking by Faith,” Victoria, a basketball player, looks back at a pivotal time in her life when she needed to exercise faith—on and off the court. 

“Once I gave it to God everything turned around for me. He brought me out of the hole I was in. … To me, faith is not about knowing where you’re going, but trusting that your steps are ordered.”

Jeffrey Collins, the Honorable Mention Winner, is a storyteller from San Diego, California. In his video, “Faith in Tides,” Jeffrey tells the moving story of Bob, a refugee from Uganda, who faced several trials in his native country only to move to the United States and experience homelessness. The hardships, however, only led Bob to delve deeper in his faith and rededicate his life to God. 

“My faith in God may not erase the highs and lows, but instead serves as a constant reminder even after the lowest of tides you can be certain that the tide will rise once again. It is the law of God,”  Bob says. 

These stories share a common theme: There will be ups and downs along the way but everything happens for a reason. Faith is the guiding light through it all. It provides peace and hope.

The Film Your Faith Contest enables followers of all faith traditions to tell their story of how faith plays such an integral role in our lives and country. You can continue sharing your story of faith with Faith Counts at

Does reading about faith inspire you? Do you have a story or information about your faith you want to share? Tell us more!

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