Spring clean your soul in 7 steps

Spring is all about renewal and rebirth. When you think spring cleaning, you may typically think of that annual ritual of giving your home a deep clean as the seasons change and the weather warms up. However, there is another ritual you might want to consider this time of year: spring cleaning your soul. Take some time to take inventory of your soul and sanity, and renew your faith, joy, and peace. Here’s how to get started:
1) Reflect. Take some time to just breathe and examine where you are in your faith. Are the goals you may have set before still in effect? Are you where you want to be or is there room for improvement? Start or dust off a journal to capture your reflections and review your progress and (small) goals. Practice mediations or breathing exercises to help with your self-examination.
2) Purge and declutter. From your office to your pantry, cut the physical clutter so you can achieve your goals. Starting with the physical mess can help you open up to what’s causing any internal messes or chaos. Whatever is clouding your mind, work through it, and let it go. If it’s relationships or social media, then evaluate whether it’s time to put limits on the time you spend with certain people or certain platforms. Maybe you also have some habits that need purging? Focus on getting rid of one habit and work from here.
3) Getting through your To-do’s. You’ve got a laundry list of things to do and it’s overwhelming. If you’re trying to get to the bottom of things, try divvying up your list into three sections: As, Absolute must-do’s; Bs, really should do today but can wait; and Cs, would be nice to do today. Focus on the As and let the Bs and Cs be bonus adds.
4) Focus on the good. Don’t worry about being perfect. Focus on good things in your prayers and meditations that will help develop an attitude of gratitude. Read books that will encourage or challenge your mind to think on things that are positive and soul-satisfying.
5) Create. Close your eyes and imagine the rest of today, tomorrow, and the future. Come up with at least one word or a mantra that describes and can help envision where you want to be in your life. Each morning focus on the word or mantra and the big picture of where you’re going. Connect or re-connect with others who can partner with you or help hold you accountable for your actions and goals. Find ways to express your emotions and creativity in positive ways, whether it’s reading, cooking, painting, writing, dancing, or singing. Then create a tranquil and beautiful physical space that speaks to where you’re going and where you can express your creativity.
6) Reward your senses. Get back into nature with the sights and smells of a new season. As the weather warms up, be intentional about spending time in the great outdoors or bringing the outdoors in with open windows, flowers, and spring-scented candles. Take time to appreciate all the changes taking place around you. Let the fresh air wash over you.
7) Nurture and self-care. Making self-care a priority is important for your health and well-being. Nourish your soul with small things that spark joy or a feeling of rebirth or renewal. Feed your passions. Build play time into your day. Get back to things that you may have loved but had to stop doing. Don’t forget to rest, rest, rest for physical refreshing. Turning off your electronics 2-3 hours before bedtime can ensure a restful sleep cycle.
Take the weight off. Giving your soul a small lift here and there in these areas can pay off in a big way.