“My Neighbor’s Faith” is an inspiring new essay series written by youth and young adults in Springtide Research Institute‘s Ambassador Program. In this series, young writers share their most memorable interfaith experiences, offering unique insights into how these moments have shaped their understanding of religious diversity and cooperation.

Each essay is a personal reflection, capturing the impact of interfaith dialogue in promoting harmony and understanding among different faith traditions. Through their stories, these young people highlight the importance of building bridges across religious divides, fostering a sense of empathy and mutual respect that is essential in today’s world.

Join us in exploring these powerful narratives as we celebrate the richness of religious diversity and the transformative power of interfaith connections. Whether deeply involved in interreligious work or simply curious about other traditions, “My Neighbor’s Faith” is a thought-provoking and enriching series that underscores the importance of dialogue in creating a more peaceful and understanding society.

How I experienced Jewish Seder as a Christian ‘foodie’          
By Aimee, age 23, Ambassador with Springtide Research Institute

Even more than half a lifetime ago (for me at least), I still remember one evening in the early 2010s. My sister had recently married into a Jewish family, and we flew out from California to visit her in-laws and join them for Passover Seder in their Ohio home. Read More…

How high school helped stretch my spirituality
By Ben, age 16, Ambassador with Springtide Research Institute

Growing up in a Catholic household comes with fulfilling certain religious sacraments, and this begins even during childhood. Some of these sacraments include baptism, confirmation, and confession. Read More…

How an extra-credit assignment helped enhance my spirituality

By Christian, age 25, Ambassador with Springtide Research Institute

During the fall semester of my sophomore year in college, I started to have deeper conversations about my faith that would become the foundation for my current spiritual activity. Upon discerning what my career would be after college, I decided to expand my religious literacy and took a class called “Introduction to Judaism.” Read More…

How a hymn gave me peace after my grandfather’s passing
By Gabriella, age 18, Ambassador with Springtide Research Institute

Two summers ago, I spent eight weeks in Indonesia caring for my bedridden grandfather and memory-challenged grandmother. Not raised speaking Indonesian or traveling internationally, I had to navigate foreign customs, climates, food, language, and religion. Read More…

How my Buddhist BFF helped my Catholic faith
By Lupita, age 17, Ambassador with Springtide Research Institute

Whenever people visit my home, I get told that my house looks like a church. Being a Mexican Catholic means that in every corner of your house, there’s an altar waiting to be prayed at. Read More…