Who are Orthodox Jews?

They’re considered the largest Jewish religious group. At weddings, they smash plates (and glasses). On the Sabbath, they put away all their tech. Who are Orthodox Jews and what’s so unique about their traditions and beliefs?

Dating and Courtship

Tindr is no match for this unique longstanding tradition, which has held up since the beginning of time.


The couple may have gone⁠ without some “essentials” before they get to see each other — days in some cases⁠ — at the traditional veiling.

The Sabbath

You may have heard about the Sabbath day and keeping it holy, but Orthodox Jews are big believers in this. They rest from everything, including their phones.

The Synagogue

The synagogue was once a place for gathering and studying Judaism. But since the Jewish Holy Temple was destroyed around 70 CE, it has taken on a different role.

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